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Our Solutions

Customized Support to Meet Your Needs and Exceed Your Expectations

At Capital City Protective Solutions, LLC, we understand that no two businesses are created in quite the same way. This means that the threats you’re likely to face are unique unto your organization – confirming that there is no “one size fits” approach to security.

Because of that, we always take the time to learn as much about your business – and your risk profile – as possible. Only then will we be able to come up with the best approach to security that keeps you, your people and everything you’ve worked so hard to build protected – all while mitigating the chances that something disruptive might happen as much as possible.

Need reliable protection? We've got you covered!

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We would never recommend services that you do not need

Armed security guards aren’t necessarily appropriate for every environment, for example. We always take the time to learn as much about your business as possible, all in the name of putting together a protection plan that makes the most sense given exactly what we’re working with. Only then can you rest easy knowing that your security needs are finally taken care of.

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